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Chris’ wirre Gedankenwelt


This page is inspired by Jamie Tanna what pointed me to the The /now page movement.

So… What am I about at the moment?

I’m still pretty much into cycling. For one, I ride my bikes as frequently as possible. Most of the time you will find me cycling in the area north of Berlin. I still live in Weißensee. A couple of month ago, I decided to grow my bike park by a Canyon Grizl. So you not only find me on the roads around here, but also in the forests 😄

Besides the positive effect on health, bikes are things to nerd into 🤓 Watching YouTube videos on all sorts of bike maintenance and -tech. And yes, I’m waxing my chains. Nerding out on those kind of things replaced my urge to do IT stuff on the side.

Not only do I ride my road and gravel bike, I thoroughly enjoy following the live coverage of professional women and men. Literally at this moment, I watch Adam Yates doing a fuga de la fuga with about 60k to go on the 9th stage of la Vuelta.

I try not to compromise my running too much by all the cycling I do, and aiming for about 3 x 10k runs a week.

Workwise, I am working for SysEleven and focussing on building infrastructure for compute. Mostly based on Kubernetes and OpenStack, but also by own developments.

My preferred programming language at the moment is Go, closely followed by Python. From time to time, I’m dipping my toes into Rust.

Chris Glaubitz
Chris Glaubitz
Configuring, coding, debugging computers for a living. Riding bikes for fun.