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Chris’ wirre Gedankenwelt
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broken media-keys and custom shortcuts in gnome on archlinux

Since my update of my archlinux on the 15.10.2012 my custom shortcuts in gnome were not working any more. My first guess was gnome-settings-daemon (gsd), but that one was not updated for month. After running gsd in debug mode, I discovered a problem with the media-keys-plugin:

(gnome-settings-daemon:1828): media-keys-plugin-DEBUG: GsdMediaKeysPlugin initializing

(gnome-settings-daemon:1828): media-keys-plugin-DEBUG: Activating media_keys plugin
(gnome-settings-daemon:1828): media-keys-plugin-DEBUG: No Xinput2 support, disabling plugin

It was disabled. And because, in dconf, I found my custom keybinding under /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings, my next guess was an update of X components. And in fact. That caused the problem.

I have to search for tickets tomorrow and open new ones if necessary.

Known issue: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=150587&p=1

Here is a list of X packages, currently (16.12.2012) installed on my system.

BTW. After this upgrade I also had to rollback the linux package from 3.6.2-1 to 3.5.5-1 because of cpu problems. This problem can be found in the forum: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=150743