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๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽ“ TIL About Fish abbr

Every day is a learning opportunity. I’m a fish shell user for about 8 years now. Don’t even know any more why I made the switch. But here I am ๐Ÿ˜„

Today I learned about a very nice feature… abbr.

abbr manages abbreviations - user-defined words that are replaced with longer phrases when entered.”

Example. I want to have “aliases”, but don’t want to see the alias in my history, but rather the real command.

$ abbr kgp kubectl get pods
$ abbr kgn kubectl get nodes

When typing one of those, following by Space or Enter, the real command will be expanded, and thus, end up in your history.

using abbr

Thanks @justingarrison for the hint in How I use kubectl!