[UPDATE] This entry is not really valid any more, since flattr is
switching to a rewritten api v2 . I
will write a few words about v2 when I know how it works... And so I
did :) [/UPDATE]
Because I like the idea of Flattr , I just fiddled
around a little bit with
python-oauth2 and Flattr's
This are the first steps of allowing your webapp to create a new
thing on
Flattr . This is very useful if you are running a
podcast or blogging software, and you want to create a thing for each
new entry or episode. So it's possible to flattr each of them
separately, instead of the entire podcast/blog. E.g. there is a flattr
for Wordpress .
Remember this code is far away from being ready to use.
There are libraries for
Ruby , as well as
a community library for Java .
My entry point was the developer wiki of
Flattr and the python-oauth2
documentation . It's also
useful if you know the basics about oauth .
First of all, you need an account on
Flattr , and register your
to retrieve the customer_keyand customer_secret. You have to choose
browseras application type. At this point, you already have to know a
You also have to install python-oauth2 into your python environment.
So let's play:
Let's create the customer:
>>> consumer = oauth.Consumer(key, secret)
>>> method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
Get the request token:
>>> params = {'oauth_consumer_key': key,
... 'oauth_timestamp': oauth.Request.make_timestamp(),
... 'oauth_nonce': oauth.Request.make_nonce(),
... 'oauth_version': oauth.Request.version,
... 'oauth_callback': 'YOUR_REGISTERED_CALLBACK_URL'}
>>> req = oauth.Request(url='https://api.flattr.com/oauth/request_token',
... parameters=params)
>>> req.sign_request(method, consumer, None)
>>> http = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True)
>>> ret = http.request(req.to_url())
>>> ret
({'-content-encoding': 'gzip',
'cache-control': 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0',
'connection': 'close',
'content-length': '158',
'content-location': u'https://api.flattr.com/oauth/request_token?oauth_body_hash=SOME_HASH&oauth_nonce=75294181&oauth_timestamp=1318517637&oauth_consumer_key=YOUR_KEY&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=SIG&oauth_callback=http%3A%2F%2FYOUR_CALLBACK_URL',
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'date': 'Thu, 13 Oct 2011 14:54:22 GMT',
'expires': 'Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT',
'pragma': 'no-cache',
'server': 'lighttpd',
'set-cookie': 'PHPSESSID=GENERATED_SESSION_ID; path=/; domain=.flattr.com; HttpOnly',
'status': '200',
'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=500',
'vary': 'Accept-Encoding'},
Unfortunately, in this code we are not able to use buildin clientof
python-oauth2, because it is not possible to pass the callback_urlto
client. However, we are able to fetch the request token with oauth2's
Requestand httplib2.
In a real application, you have to store the request token and the
secret permanently (of course, you only need it to get the access
>>> parse_ret = parse_qs(ret[1])
>>> request_token = parse_ret['oauth_token'][0]
>>> request_token_secret = parse_ret['oauth_token_secret'][0]
Once you have the request token, you must send the user (yourself) to
Flattr, to authorize your webapp. Here, you only request permissions for
readand publish. However, have a look at
https://developers.flattr.net/doku.php/user_authentication for further
>>> 'https://api.flattr.com/oauth/authenticate?access_scope=read,publish&%s' % ret[1]
The user (yourself) permits the webapp, and will be redirected to the
configured callback_url. After that, you will find the oauth_verifierin
the redirected url.
e.g. if you configured http://example.com/flattras callback_url, you
will be redirected to
With your request token and the obtained oauth_verifier, you can fetch
the access token. From this point python-oauth2 works fine, and we do
not need to work around.
Create a token with the oauth_verifier:
>>> oauth_verifier=843099
>>> token = oauth.Token(request_token, request_token_secret)
>>> token.set_verifier(oauth_verifier)
Now you can use your consumerand the new tokento create a python-oauth2
>>> client = oauth.Client(consumer, token)
The creation and signing of the request is now done by client. You do
not have take care on it. You just have to pass the correct api url:
>>> ret = client.request('http://api.flattr.com/oauth/access_token', 'POST')
>>> ret
({'-content-encoding': 'gzip',
'cache-control': 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0',
'connection': 'close',
'content-length': '96',
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'date': 'Thu, 13 Oct 2011 14:55:38 GMT',
'expires': 'Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT',
'pragma': 'no-cache',
'server': 'lighttpd',
'set-cookie': 'PHPSESSID=i6md2vqg8t84hri1hk4r7448c3; path=/; domain=.flattr.com; HttpOnly',
'status': '200',
'vary': 'Accept-Encoding'},
>>> parse_ret = parse_qs(ret[1])
>>> access_token = parse_ret['oauth_token'][0]
>>> access_token_secret = parse_ret['oauth_token_secret'][0]
You have to store the access token and the secret permanently. It is
valid, till the user (yourself) rejects the permission on
Flattr (Settings -> Tab Application). Now you can
delete the request token and secret (request not the access token!!!)
Your application is registered now, and you granted the necessary
permissions. In this case readand publish. Use the consumer and the
access token to speak with Flattr API .
E.g. request your user information. It is again very easy to use
python-oauth2 without work arounds:
>>> token = oauth.Token(access_token, access_token_secret)
>>> client = oauth.Client(consumer, token)
>>> ret = client.request('http://api.flattr.com/rest/0.0.1/user/me', 'GET')
>>> ret                                                                       Â
({'-content-encoding': 'gzip',
'connection': 'close',
'content-length': '276',
'content-location': u'http://api.flattr.com/rest/0.0.1/user/me?oauth_body_hash=SOME_HASH&oauth_nonce=55948733&oauth_timestamp=1318518733&oauth_consumer_key=APPS_KEY&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN&oauth_signature=SOME_SIG',
'content-type': 'text/xml',
'date': 'Thu, 13 Oct 2011 15:12:13 GMT',
'server': 'lighttpd',
'status': '200',
'vary': 'Accept-Encoding'},
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n
<user><id>YOUR ID</id>
<username>YOUR USERNAME</username>
<firstname>YOUR NAME</firstname>
<lastname>YOUR LAST NAME</lastname>
For a ... hmm, not really complete ... documentation of what you can
do, have a look at the Flattr API
documentation .
Hoping to give some inspiration.