Weekly 2016/36
Starting with meeting Monday. The first half of the day was gone for this. After lunch, I had to add another authentication mechanism to our MachineDB. In fact this is a Flask-app which uses ldap as an authentication backend. We have to put this part of the software into a place without any access to our ldap. Since we use postgres as the DB backend, I created another authentication backend, using postgres. In the afternoon I helped a fellow with some scripts to setup floating ip networking to our lab cluster.
On Tuesday, I continued my work on the authentication backend and got it merge ready. More debugging was done at the floating ip creation stuff. Because the script is more complex than I hoped, I created the networks by hand and was able to configure our integration test to run against the lab.
The next day was a short day for me. I figured out some problems
detected by the tempest run. Some strange errors happen due to the
ordering of openstack endpoints. The config parameter v3_endpoint_type
has been ignored, and adminURL
was used by accident. By accident,
since it really depended on the sorting of endpoints. I fixed this by
updating the id
of the endpoint in the keystone database. Beside this,
I did some daywork.
Thursday, was kind of boring. First of all, it was a short day again. So primarily I did some daywork, and prepared a backup-presentation for the Berlin Ops Summit on Friday. Turned out, we didn't need it.
Friday was Conference day. I liked the Talk of Jeff Sussna. Most other talks were ok, but not new to me. The most entertaining talk was UI engineering by Dennis Reimann and Jan Persiel. The closing party was great :)
Btw: I am on my way to re-create my vimrc in terms of throwing away modules and settings, I don't use any more. I take the chance to switch to neovim in this step. Lets see how far I come with this.